We recommend all pets are transported safely when coming to the practice.  
  • Dogs should be secured via harness seatbelt, in the boot or in a crate on comfortable bedding
  • Cats should be secured in a suitable cat carrier, with comfortable bedding.  We recommend 1 cat per carrier, regardless of how friendly they are with each other.
  • Small pets, birds and exotic pets should also be transported in appropriate carriers

All dogs need to be on a lead when on the premises and all other pets kept in their appropriate carriers.

There may be situations where you are unable to transport your pet to our practice.  We do offer house visits but in a number of cases we recommend you bring your pet to the practice where we have the required staffing, facilities and equipment.  Where this is not possible alternatives include contacting a local taxi firm, pet ambulance, dog sitter or a neighbour.  There are also a number of home visiting vets in Essex, these can easily be found with an internet search.

  • Yelo Taxis, Braintree    01376 334455
  • Essex Pet Taxi             07528 480 569
  • Animals at Home         07590 406968

For further information on our home visiting service, please follow this link: millenniumvets.co.uk/services/home-visiting