Abi Thompson RVN

Registered Veterinary Nurse

I started working at Millennium as a nursing assistant in September 2014 while completing my Diploma in Animal Management at Writtle College. I started my veterinary nurse training in September 2015 and qualified in April 2018. In 2021 I completed my Diploma in Veterinary Nursing of Zoological Species and Advanced Programme in Veterinary Nursing of Zoo
Animals. This qualification covered Avian, Reptiles & Amphibians, Wildlife and Small
Mammals. In 2021/2022 I had a short time away from MVP to experience a different practice. This gave me insight to a different style of working. I missed my time at MVP and returned once again to join the nursing team.

I work in all aspects of nursing including wards, theatre and consulting. I have a particular love
for working with cats, exotic species (especially rats!) and wildlife. I would like to complete a diploma in feline nursing.

I have had cats since I was 7 years old, they are a huge part of my life. I have two cats - both who were brought into the vets as strays, an ex-racing greyhound and a wonderful group of rats. I am a member of the National Fancy Rat Society and regularly show my boys in the East of England shows. I enjoy training them to do lots of cool tricks too! I also very much love my cars and motorsport.

Meet the rest of the team

Emma Mead RVN

Head of Nursing Department - Wards

Mel Adams

Veterinary Receptionist

Lisa Birnie RVN

Practice Manager

Niamh McNally RVN

Registered Veterinary Nurse