Jackie White RVN

Registered Veterinary Nurse

I qualified as a veterinary nurse in 1990 and have worked in mixed practice, zoo vet practice and small animal practices over the years.  Until fairly recently I enjoyed the fast pace of emergency out of hours care and have cared for many critically ill animals which I very much enjoyed.

The opportunity presented itself to work at Millennium Veterinary Practice mainly based in their in-house laboratory which is another passion of mine.  I joined MVP in January 2024 and am still struck by the all round very high standards we have here.

Outside of work, my 2 Huskeys, Hike and Demon who I have had from pups, enjoy Canicross.  This originated in Europe as invaluable training for the dog sledding breeds during their off season months.  It is great fun and keeps the 3 of us fit!  I also have budgies, rabbits and fish.    Riding is also a passion of mine, which I do regularly with a 'borrowed' horse called Asbo!  I also enjoy cycling.

Meet the rest of the team

Emma Newman

Veterinary Receptionist

Lucinda Gowers

Ward Assistant

April Squire

Finance Assistant

Louise Pickett MRCVS

Veterinary Surgeon