Niamh McNally RVN

Registered Veterinary Nurse

I started working at a referral centre as a Neurology Ward Assistant in 2016, and completed a Level 2 Veterinary Care Assistant course. I then started my nursing training there in 2020 and qualified in 2023. 

I am really interested in Neurology and Anaesthesia, and would like to complete an Anaesthesia course in the future. I nurse in all areas of the practice and also I have joined the CT nursing team here, which I am really enjoying and finding very interesting.  For now, I am loving being in a first opinion practice, seeing all different species of animals! 

Outside of work, I enjoy spending time with my family, friends and my 2 dogs. I've also recently taken up dancing again, after having a 6 year break.

Meet the rest of the team

Jackie White RVN

Registered Veterinary Nurse

Lindsey Nice MRCVS

Director, Veterinary Surgeon, RCVS Advanced Practitioner in Small Animal Surgery, Head of Surgery

Jane Wood

Veterinary Receptionist