Nicole Mays-Morgan MRCVS

BVetMed (Hons) MRCVS
Veterinary Surgeon

I studied for my veterinary degree at the Royal Veterinary College, London, in 2008. I also intercalated in (human) molecular medicine at St Bartholomew's hospital through Queen Mary University of London. This involved research in a Cancer Research UK laboratory. After qualifying in veterinary medicine, I worked in a mixed practice in East Sussex with small animals, farm animals and some equine work. I moved on to a practice in Essex to focus on only small animals and worked there for 12 years before moving on to another small animal practice for another 2 years and starting work at Millennium in October 2024. I feel privileged to be part of such a caring and highly skilled multi-disciplinary team.

I enjoy all aspects of being a vet, including medicine and surgery, but am particularly interested in oncology and dermatology. My certificate in Advanced Veterinary Practice was completed as a modular course through the University of Liverpool, studying small animal medicine (including oncology) and dermatology in more detail. 

I have two children and enjoy taking them to museums and galleries in London. We have a rescued tabby cat called Pudding. I enjoy cooking, restaurants, films and singing, and am a member of a choir. I love arts and crafts and would like to take up acrylic painting when I have some spare time! 

Meet the rest of the team

Karyn Legg

Accounts Supervisor

Teresa Still

Veterinary Receptionist

Sam Nichols

Senior Veterinary Receptionist