Nicole Mays-Morgan MRCVS

BVetMed (Hons) MRCVS
Veterinary Surgeon

I studied for my veterinary degree at the Royal Veterinary College, London, in 2008. I also intercalated in (human) molecular medicine at St Bartholomew's hospital through Queen Mary University of London. This involved research in a Cancer Research UK laboratory. After qualifying in veterinary medicine, I worked in a mixed practice in East Sussex with small animals, farm animals and some equine work. I moved on to a practice in Essex to focus on only small animals and worked there for 12 years before moving on to another small animal practice for another 2 years and starting work at Millennium in October 2024. I feel privileged to be part of such a caring and highly skilled multi-disciplinary team.

I enjoy all aspects of being a vet, including medicine and surgery, but am particularly interested in oncology and dermatology. My certificate in Advanced Veterinary Practice was completed as a modular course through the University of Liverpool, studying small animal medicine (including oncology) and dermatology in more detail. 

I have two children and enjoy taking them to museums and galleries in London. We have a rescued tabby cat called Pudding. I enjoy cooking, restaurants, films and singing, and am a member of a choir. I love arts and crafts and would like to take up acrylic painting when I have some spare time! 

Meet the rest of the team

Joe Squire

Ward Assistant

Jackie White RVN

Registered Veterinary Nurse

Louise Pickett MRCVS

Veterinary Surgeon

Laura Marshall MRCVS

Veterinary Surgeon, Advanced Practitioner in Small Animal Medicine, Head of Medicine